lundi 28 octobre 2013

Work in Progress

Hi there !
I know it's been a while I haven't post anything on the blog, I have been quite busy and a bit lazy lately...
But here I am ! With nothing really interesting but still something.
A work in Progress on Alice in wonderland illustrations. I choose three of the characters of the story with Alice on each picture.
I wanted to change a bit on the regular Alice, and to draw her as some kind of an icone, the sane part of her insanity...

I just need now to find the time to give them some colors. I've started on the caterpillar but it's just really long and I have a hard time finding the proper colors. Anyway... Soon.

Next thing, I'll show my little creations I made for the outfit I planned for a Tea party.

Til' then, See ya all xxx

2 commentaires:

  1. Magnifique! Je vois l'évolution petit à petit , c'est saisissant... à quand une publication? =)

    1. Hiii un commentaire :D Mehehe publication je sais pas, un jour peut être ... qui sait.
      Merci pour le commentaire Nana ;)
